David: “This is it! The very first academic essay ever written about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yes, that’s right, I founded Buffy Studies. (Never read any of it though or was invited to any of their silly conferences. But you know something? That’s okay.)”
David: “rejected at the last minute by both Harpers and London Review of Books, for reasons never explained, this sets out some of the ideas for our forthcoming book”
David: “This is one of those crazy rants I’d go off about at parties for years and would never ever have been allowed to publish; in fact I even tried once or twice and it was instantly rejected. Then of course I became famous…”
Related talk: On Bureaucratic Technologies & the Future as Dream-Time
David: “In case you were wondering what really happened at Yale.”
David: “(this one was painful to write, made me depressed for a week, but I feel it’s important)”
David: "me as art critic”
David: “one on Debt and Money”
Superhero piece
David hastens to point out the version in Utopia of Rules is much better though. Because some points were edited out.
David’s 2014 tweets:
Roy Bhaskar is so nice. I asked how he can be so jolly despite his medical problems. Said: "I'm just so happy I get to see friends like you"
I wondered how can Bhaskar be so philosophical about his illness, debts, poverty... Then realized: oh right. He's a philosopher.
Very sad news: Roy Bhaskar died of heart-failure yesterday. A lovely person and a cherished friend.
It occurs to me if Russell Brand were a philosopher he'd be Roy Bhaskar, & if Roy had been a comedian he'd be Brand